Our commitment to our customers involve: wisdom, quality, value, sustainability, safety, integrity, and collaboration.
We understand what it takes to make a project a reality. Through our experience, vision and knowledge, we are able to accurately and thoroughly deliver both the client’s expectations and the architect’s vision for the project.
At the core of every successful business is a collective commitment to quality. Proportion follows its proven business equation (Integrity + Performance = Trust) to ensure success. By embracing a higher standard of excellence, our people deliver higher quality results.
It is ingrained within us to deliver the best value for our clients. Our experience, knowledge and proven processes result in maximized value.
Proportion recognizes the value in sustainable building practices for future generations. We are committed to green building and the longevity of the company through environmental awareness.
Regardless of the project, safety remains, and always will be our number one priority. A core value of each project is a commitment to the safety of all team members.
We stand behind our work through the moral and ethical principles of honesty and trust, an approach governed by our impressive track record of so many years in business.
We believe in facilitating a team approach among all construction partners to create a sharing of knowledge that delivers the best possible project results in the most efficient manner.